Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: The show you are trying to access, Nailed. Has been banned by the Bureau of Podcasts. By attempting to listen to this feed, you are implicitly pleading guilty to crimes against podcasting and good taste. Do not attempt to pirate this podcast. Do not attempt to make your own podcast. You will never make one as good as WTF with Marc Maron, so any attempt will be futile.
[00:00:25] Speaker B: The.
[00:00:25] Speaker A: The Bureau of Podcasts has now assumed control of the United States government. If you are listening outside the US you will be extradited to America and put on trial in podcast court. Not John Hodgman's podcast Court. A different one Away, scarier one. We at the Bureau have put a mild hallucinogen in your water supply. It's for your own safety. You are required to drink it. No, really, it's good. Any giant limbs you may see in the sky are purely coincidental. Resistance is pointless. We are in control.
Hey, while I have you, I'd like to tell you about Green Chef. Green Chef is an affordable meal kit that delivers fresh ingredients. Right.
[00:01:20] Speaker B: If you can hear this, you're not alone. You can hear this. There are others like us still out there. We are trying to believe Pod is resistance. Pod is resistance.
Come on down. It's nailed. A song by song. Journey through the music of Nine Inch Nails. I'm Blake.
[00:02:25] Speaker C: I'm Jessica. And welcome to the beginning of the End.
[00:02:31] Speaker B: Hell, yeah.
We are broadcasting this signal from our underground bunker, where we're currently in hiding from the Bureau of Podcasting, who now control our world. More on that later.
[00:02:48] Speaker C: The only podcast you're allowed to listen to, I've heard, is Joe Rogan and Hoktua Girl. That's it.
[00:02:53] Speaker B: They canceled every podcast except Talk to a. It's a Hellscape, folks.
[00:03:02] Speaker C: Yeah, we're finally recording.
[00:03:03] Speaker B: Holy shit.
[00:03:05] Speaker C: I know, it's weird.
[00:03:07] Speaker B: It's what you've been asking for since we started this podcast in 2021. You said, do year zero. I want to hear year zero. And we said we go in order of halos. We're on Halo 1, ma'am. And this is a Wendy's.
[00:03:23] Speaker C: Yeah, sorry it's taken so long to record. It's been a weird year, and honestly.
[00:03:29] Speaker B: 2024 was mostly taking a break year, so thanks for being patient with us.
[00:03:35] Speaker C: So, before we go any further, though, I do want to give a quick explanation of this season. We're still kind of toying with how to do ARG elements. I'm going to tell you right now, most of that's going to be on bonus episodes. There's a lot of content and we'll discuss some of it, of course. But if you want the in depth ARG treatment, it's gonna be bonus episodes.
[00:04:01] Speaker B: I was just going over arg websites from 2007 again today and thinking we will never cover everything.
[00:04:12] Speaker C: We'll try. I'm gonna do my damnedest.
[00:04:15] Speaker B: But it took a whole team, a professional team to create it and a whole community to uncover it. Two podcasters. We'll try.
[00:04:24] Speaker C: Two podcasters and one cat.
[00:04:26] Speaker B: Excuse me. No guarantees, says Oscar.
[00:04:30] Speaker C: So with this era, these few Halos in this era, what we're going to do is each song from Year Zero will have its individual episode.
But the Halos in the era, Survivalism, Year Zero Remixed, those will be separate episodes like we normally do.
[00:04:52] Speaker B: And we only have one single to deal with this time.
[00:04:54] Speaker C: That's right. Well, one Halo single, because Capital G is not an official Halo.
[00:04:58] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, I'm not counting that.
[00:05:00] Speaker C: Okay. Also, another change. One thing that I wanted to do is change the day we released because if we're running late and can't record until Saturday, it means Blake has more time to turn it around. He's not behind the eight ball. Not as much pressure to get it out, so.
[00:05:20] Speaker B: Well, we're also trying to be a few steps ahead of the game this time and actually have a few episodes in the can before we start releasing, and therefore not releasing something that we recorded 12 hours before.
[00:05:33] Speaker C: But also, I want to say because of that, some of our nine inch news might be a little out of date by the time you hear this. So I apologize.
[00:05:42] Speaker B: We're gonna talk about some things that are hot news right now. When this drops, they won't exactly be piping hot anymore, but I hope you can relive the excitement.
[00:05:51] Speaker C: So again, individual episodes for songs released weekly on Wednesdays, just to make your Bon Jovi day better, a couple people will get that. We're still gonna put out bonus episodes. There will be two a month, and it will be where most of our ARG coverage is gonna be.
[00:06:08] Speaker B: Talk about stuff like music videos as well.
[00:06:10] Speaker C: Y.
I do want to apologize for how long it's taken us to get ready to record. A lot of it is my fault, I'll say. My heart really hasn't been in it or much of anything, really. I am very passionate about bedrotting recently.
[00:06:26] Speaker B: Which means bedrotting's a new passion.
[00:06:28] Speaker C: It is. I just like to lay in bed and listen to music.
That's all I like to do right now. So that's What I'm passionate about. But I have been trying to get back into.
I'm trying to make this a more livable routine, I guess.
[00:06:42] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sure this community understands.
Well, no one's ever sad in the NIN fandom. Actually, it's very sunshiny.
Wait, no, I was thinking of the smash mouth fandom.
[00:06:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I can see how you get those two confused. Mm, mm.
Both love synthesizers.
[00:07:05] Speaker B: No one loves electric organ. I don't know.
[00:07:09] Speaker C: Okay, so now let's get this going.
Let's start with some nine inch news.
[00:07:16] Speaker D: So everything is in the news today.
[00:07:19] Speaker C: First up, Blake, there was an unearthed Letterman clip.
[00:07:23] Speaker B: Yes. Recently, someone pulled a clip from Late show with David Letterman from 1994.
[00:07:32] Speaker C: Before you play it, I want to say something. I read about this clip when I was reading Adam Steiner's book. He talked about it, and then I had, like, vague memories of it from my childhood because my family was a Letterman family. I don't know if your family was in a Leno family.
[00:07:49] Speaker B: No, when I was a kid, we were more Letterman. Yeah.
[00:07:53] Speaker C: Okay. Usually Letterman families are cool. And Leno families, no offense, y'all are dorks. So.
[00:07:59] Speaker B: Okay, we can't. Well, Jay Leno does fucking suck.
[00:08:03] Speaker C: He had the fucking dancing Ito's. It was embarrassing. Not funny.
[00:08:06] Speaker B: He's a complete hack. And Letterman is very funny.
[00:08:09] Speaker C: Letterman's great. So anyway, I did try to find this clip, though, whenever we were recording the TDS air, and I couldn't find it. And I was like, how does no one have.
[00:08:17] Speaker B: See, I didn't know it existed until this.
So basically, Dave talks about Nine Inch Nails for two and a half minutes. I'm gonna play it.
It's edited down for ease.
[00:08:33] Speaker C: Yeah, you left out the top 10. I would have loved to have heard it.
[00:08:36] Speaker E: Did you see any of the big Woodstock over the weekend? You know, I was watching it. I dialed it up there because I thought I was going to witness free love. And I said, oh, man. In my own home.
And I dialed up there and I saw those Nine Inch Nails. You ever see those boys?
[00:08:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I saw a little of them.
[00:08:51] Speaker E: You know, many times when we have the young groups here in the theater with us, they frighten me.
[00:08:56] Speaker B: Awesome.
[00:08:56] Speaker C: You.
[00:08:57] Speaker E: Many of today's rock and roll bands are very frightening, and they frighten me, personally, because, you know, I'm older, and if they wanted to, they just come right over here and stab me with a drumstick or something.
And so I get scared. I get frightened. So now I'm in the comfort of my Own home. And I've got the Pay per View dialed right up there. And it's Nine Inch Nails. I want to tell you something. I was frightened in my own home.
[00:09:17] Speaker B: So you liked them?
[00:09:18] Speaker E: I did.
But I tell you, they're very entertaining. They're very frightening. But these boys need some counseling.
Nine Inch Nails. Yeah. Now try and get them on the show. Will you do that?
[00:09:32] Speaker B: I'll make a few calls.
[00:09:33] Speaker E: I'm telling you, if we had the Nine Inch Nails here tonight, you folks would be scared silly.
And afterwards you would come up one by one and thank me for it. So try and do that. Can you do that? I'll make a call some of your big shot phony music buddies and get Nine Inch Nails in.
[00:09:49] Speaker B: I got it.
[00:09:50] Speaker E: I'm telling you, that was like kaboom. Very exciting. Nine Inch Nails. The boys were destructive and they were cursing.
[00:09:57] Speaker B: Nine Inch Nails.
[00:09:58] Speaker E: That's right. Cursing on stage.
[00:10:00] Speaker B: It's a perfect.
[00:10:01] Speaker E: Get him on the show.
The category tonight, top 10 things overheard at Woodstock 94. Oh, yeah.
See, on the one stage you had nine inch nails and they were covered with mud. They just kind of crawled out on stage covered with mud. And then. And then on another stage you had Crosby, Stills and Nash and. And David Crosby isn't like in a sport jacket.
Here it is. You have the polar opposites there of the Woodstock experience.
And at one point, the 19 inch nail, Trent, he's just very disturbed. This kid is emotionally disturbed. He's so disturbed and he's so excited and he's whirling around with a microphone cord and he trips up the guitar player and they both fall down.
[00:10:46] Speaker B: Really?
[00:10:48] Speaker E: He said, of course, it's none of my business, but if I could, I would say to those kids, talk to your clergyman.
Something's troubling them. Well, I'm glad you're concerned.
[00:11:00] Speaker B: Turns out all they needed was to go to church.
He may have been scared, but he knows good music when he hears it. He knew enough to know the guy's name. He did his research.
[00:11:10] Speaker C: At least he did a little bit of research.
[00:11:12] Speaker B: Trent was not a household name necessary. Well, in some homes. Can you imagine if Leno did that instead, though?
[00:11:20] Speaker C: It would have ruined Nine Inch Nails forever for me.
[00:11:22] Speaker B: Nine Inch Nails.
[00:11:24] Speaker C: Have you seen this?
[00:11:25] Speaker B: I seen this. You heard about this?
[00:11:27] Speaker C: Leno's like your uncle who tries to be cool and isn't cool with cars anyway.
[00:11:33] Speaker B: Too many cars. I thought you'd all enjoy that. I sure did.
[00:11:37] Speaker C: I thought it. I think it's great. And it Made me miss Letterman. And yep, late night talk shows from the 90s. When I was a kid it was Letterman. Then you change the channel to Conan.
[00:11:46] Speaker B: Conan.
[00:11:47] Speaker C: You'd be up until 12:30, maybe later.
And then you'd get up and go.
[00:11:51] Speaker B: To school the next day and 1:30 on the coasts.
[00:11:55] Speaker C: That's right. So the next thing you had listed was the Tron ARES trailer.
[00:11:59] Speaker B: Yes. And I shouldn't have said trailer. More like a teaser that someone bootlegged at the Disney Con.
[00:12:06] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: Did you watch it?
[00:12:07] Speaker C: I did not. Because I don't care about Tron. Well, and also I wrote full next to it because I didn't know if it was a full trailer or teaser.
[00:12:16] Speaker B: It is not. Not a full trailer at all. Didn't tell me that much. Honestly. It's just a little sizzle reel maybe you call it.
There is a one annoying thing. There wasn't new music from Tron necessarily, but instead was one of these cinematic slowed down version. You know, I love these slowed down dramatic. Something I can never have. Which is.
Yeah, just go and watch it. Go and look it up. Tron Ares.
[00:12:49] Speaker C: Don't ruin us. Everybody's probably don't ruin something.
[00:12:51] Speaker B: They didn't ruin it.
The little piano part on that honestly works really well as like score. But I'd rather just hear new stuff, you know I don't like that.
[00:13:02] Speaker C: I know, I know. I know you don't.
[00:13:03] Speaker B: And I honestly, it's unimaginative. But I think they just had to whip something up real quick. I don't know.
[00:13:10] Speaker C: Yeah, probably something like that. And it seems like really fast that they had to throw something up. Cause the movie's not coming out until like next. Until like late 2025 I think even.
[00:13:19] Speaker B: I'm still excited to see it. Super stoked to hear that new score.
[00:13:23] Speaker C: Did you see Tron 2?
[00:13:24] Speaker B: Yeah, the daft Punk one? Mm, yeah. The best part was the soundtrack.
[00:13:28] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:13:30] Speaker B: Anyway, it was fun.
[00:13:31] Speaker C: Everyone knows I don't care about Tron, so I'm not gonna get into it.
[00:13:33] Speaker B: Yeah, but you are gonna care soon.
Sorry, no.
[00:13:37] Speaker C: Okay. Challengers updates. We got a couple challengers. The score that keeps going. My favorite score that keeps giving.
[00:13:44] Speaker B: Honestly, it's giving.
[00:13:47] Speaker C: So there were the recent vinyl releases of the original score. And if you were lucky enough to get one, there was a record version of the boys noise mix of Challengers.
[00:13:58] Speaker B: Hell yeah.
[00:13:59] Speaker C: So I did not want to get up at six in the morning to wait in line in below freezing weather.
So I just ordered mine from someone on ebay. And it was only like $15 marked up. Which I was like, that's good. My local record store would probably mark it up that much anyway. Cause they're crooked. That's right. I called you out.
[00:14:17] Speaker B: Damn, she bad.
[00:14:19] Speaker C: This is the only game in town, though, so I can't report them. But I don't think you're supposed to mark up RSD titles. Titles. So they're assholes anyway.
[00:14:29] Speaker B: They kind of are.
[00:14:29] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:14:29] Speaker B: We're not going to name names.
[00:14:30] Speaker C: Nope. Also, I just want to say, regarding challengers, there's a lot of news here. So. Reznor and Ross were also recently nominated for a Grammy for best score Soundtrack for Visual Media for Challengers. But Atticus was also nominated for a different score that he wrote. It was for Shogun. It's nominated in the same category. And he was nominated with his fellow composers Nick Tuba and Leopold Ross. So, yes, this year Atticus is competing against himself.
[00:15:02] Speaker B: Atticus v. Atticus.
[00:15:04] Speaker C: Who will win other nominees for best score for the Grammy. For best score, sorry, include Laura Cartman for American Fiction, Hans Zimmer for Dune Part 2, Chris Bowers, the Color Purple.
And I have more breaking challengers news.
[00:15:22] Speaker B: Reznor, Ross breaking as of like five minutes ago. But not when you hear this.
[00:15:25] Speaker C: Yeah. Reznor and Ross were nominated for two Golden Globes, including best score for Challengers and best song for Compress Repress. Which song bangs Luca is also nominated for because I guess he contributed lyrics to that song.
[00:15:42] Speaker B: I knew it sounded funky lyric wise. I knew he had a hand in it.
[00:15:48] Speaker C: Okay. Also, more Reznor and Ross score news. Queer. The score to Queer, another Guana film was released last Friday. Check out Bastard and Empires if you want to hear Reznor croon with Brazilian artist Caetano Veloso.
[00:16:04] Speaker B: That was really, really interesting.
[00:16:06] Speaker C: It's really cool.
[00:16:06] Speaker B: I kind of dug it.
[00:16:08] Speaker C: They are also working with him with Guadagnino on After the Hunt, which is a drama that stars Julia Roberts and. Oh, my God, my notes. Did you ever think you'd see the words Trent Reznor and Julia Roberts in the same sentence? Never in my life. America's sweetheart, Julia Roberts.
[00:16:25] Speaker B: I did. I assumed I would see Trent Reznor marries Julia Roberts. Now, this was before Maraqueen came on the scene.
[00:16:34] Speaker C: You really shipped them?
[00:16:36] Speaker B: No, no, I didn't ship somebody out the scene.
[00:16:38] Speaker C: America's sweetheart with America's bad boy.
[00:16:40] Speaker B: That's right.
[00:16:41] Speaker C: Baddest boy.
[00:16:43] Speaker B: But too many Luca Guadagnino.
[00:16:46] Speaker C: Hold on, there's. Wait, there's more. Do you want to hear more?
[00:16:49] Speaker B: I don't think I can take it, but go ahead.
[00:16:51] Speaker C: Reznor said we have worked on his next film, after the Hunt, and we're talking about working on what's past that. Do you know what's past that?
[00:16:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I do.
[00:16:59] Speaker C: His adaptation of American Psycho. Seriously though, Luca. We're going to get Luca fatigue. Just like everyone has Taylor Swift fatigue. I'm sorry, I think even Blake, who's a hardcore Swiftie, has a little bit of fatigue.
[00:17:09] Speaker B: I've got the fatigue. We're not talking about her, though.
[00:17:12] Speaker C: No, we're not. But I'm just saying be careful. Luca, you don't wanna.
[00:17:14] Speaker B: You don't wanna spread yourself too thin out there. Don't go on an ERAS tour.
[00:17:19] Speaker C: Luka, look, quantity is not always quality, buddy. I just wanna tell you that. Quit making my boys work so hard because I want a new album.
[00:17:27] Speaker B: That's right. He's taking them away from making Nine Inch Nails music.
[00:17:31] Speaker C: At least David Fincher paces himself.
[00:17:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I like the Fincher pace of a movie every eight or 12 years. You know what I'm saying?
[00:17:40] Speaker C: Like Nine Inch Nell's albums, right?
Reznor, on working with Luca. He said, it feels like family. He's become a friend. Our feelings would be hurt if we didn't get a call. You know, it's that kind of thing. They also talked about new NIN music. Reznor said, we're taking the inspiration we've garnered and funneling it into a Nine Inch Nails project, which we're working on now. We're ready to be back in the driver's seat, I guess, soon.
[00:18:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Just making music, I guess, gives them momentum or motivation to make even more music. You'd think they wouldn't have the time, but doing like eight Guadagnino scores in a year, but here we are.
[00:18:19] Speaker C: Well, I guess when that's all you do. I mean, yeah, it's not like he has to work a 40 hour job a week and then go run errands. He's got people to do that shit.
That's all you have to. Like, I had a friend who was like, I just don't understand how Taylor Swift can release three albums and do this huge tour. That's three hours. I'm like, that's all she does.
[00:18:38] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a full time job.
[00:18:41] Speaker C: Like, come on, dude. It's not impossible. Look, if I had. If I didn't work my job, I could churn out this show forever, no problem.
[00:18:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Okay, onto it.
[00:18:51] Speaker C: Do you want to get into it.
[00:18:52] Speaker B: Let's get into it.
Halo 23, survivalism.
[00:19:03] Speaker C: Let's go over the basics first. Let's not get too deep into this. This was the first single from Year Zero. It's track three on the album. It was released digitally on iTunes on 3-13-07. And I believe there were also GarageBand files that were uploaded on the same day.
It was released on CD or vinyl on April 2 of 07. There is a radio version. It has the word horror edited out.
[00:19:29] Speaker B: That's kind of funny.
[00:19:31] Speaker C: Okay, so this track was produced by Trent and Atticus and it was mixed by Alan Mulder. And we have a special background guest vocalist, Saul Williams.
[00:19:42] Speaker B: That's right.
[00:19:43] Speaker C: It's gonna be a lot of Saul Williams in this era. So if you don't like him, this is not the era for you.
[00:19:48] Speaker B: No, I think it's a very good thing. I think he adds a little something different to this song that I liked.
[00:19:56] Speaker C: I do too. It was released on a few different formats. There was a UK Europe CD that included Survivalism and Survivalism Tardusted, which is also the Williams remix that you'll hear on Year Zero Remix. There's a maxi CD that was released in the UK also. It had Survivalism Tar Dusted version, the video of Survivalism and the Greater Good, an instrumental version of that.
[00:20:21] Speaker B: Once again, the UK gets everything.
[00:20:24] Speaker C: And the 9 inch vinyl had survivalism and the Survivalism Opal Heart Clinic. Also a Saul Williams remix that we'll get more into in a little bit.
[00:20:34] Speaker B: Opal Heart, Opal.
Stay tuned.
[00:20:39] Speaker C: Yes. So now let's talk about charts.
[00:20:43] Speaker B: Did it chart?
[00:20:45] Speaker C: It charted.
[00:20:47] Speaker B: I just charted.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: We did have Chili for dinner.
[00:20:53] Speaker B: Boing.
[00:20:55] Speaker C: Okay. It debuted on the Billboard Alternative Airplay or Hot Modern rock tracks on 3-3-07, and it stayed on the chart for 13 weeks and it peaked at number one on 4-15-07.
However, on the Billboard Hot 100, it debuted at number 68. Blake, you want to do a top five for that week?
[00:21:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Am I supposed to guess?
[00:21:17] Speaker C: Yeah. So these are singles, not albums. Okay. It's 2007.
It's March of 2007. What do you think were the top five singles in America? This is America.
[00:21:30] Speaker B: Where did Survivalism hit again?
[00:21:32] Speaker C: It was at number 68. So not even in the top 50. Yeah.
[00:21:36] Speaker B: Okay.
Oof. I was not paying good attention to music at that time, I can tell you.
[00:21:43] Speaker C: Pretty awful for the most part.
[00:21:46] Speaker B: 2007. What was I doing? I was being very depressed.
[00:21:51] Speaker C: Were you back in Springfield at the time or are you still in?
[00:21:53] Speaker B: No, I would have still been in Chicago at this time.
Give me. Okay, I need a hint.
[00:21:59] Speaker C: Okay, the number. Do we start at number five?
[00:22:03] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:22:03] Speaker C: Work my way down. Okay. Five.
Female artist. This was from her second solo album. She was in a very popular band in the 90s. Still popular now. They played at Coachella. They reunited and played at Coachella this year.
[00:22:17] Speaker B: Is it Gwen Stefani?
[00:22:19] Speaker C: Mm. What track? 07.
[00:22:22] Speaker B: So it wasn't like Hollaback Girl. It was the album after that.
[00:22:25] Speaker C: It was the album after that.
[00:22:26] Speaker B: I don't know anything about her second album.
[00:22:28] Speaker C: It was the Sweet Escape. It's pretty good. The other one is number four. I don't know anything. People are gonna hate me. I don't know anything about gym class heroes. I'm just gonna say that I don't even think I've heard one song. But Cupid's Chill Cold. I'm just gonna tell you what that is.
[00:22:40] Speaker B: I don't know this band.
[00:22:41] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Akon. Don't matter. I'm not even gonna do the game anymore. I'm just gonna tell you. Cause these are too hard.
[00:22:47] Speaker B: Well, forget about the game. Sound effects.
[00:22:49] Speaker C: Sorry. Two is Mims. This is why I'm hot.
[00:22:53] Speaker B: I don't know. Oh, I vaguely remember that.
[00:22:55] Speaker C: Vaguely? Yeah. Okay. One. Fergie, Glamorous. Which I listened to it. Cause I was like, I don't know if I know this Fergie song. 1. I just want to confess, I'm not a Black Eyed Peas person. Never have been. So I'm definitely not a Fergie person. But at least that London Bridge song was catchy. I don't think Glamorous is at all.
[00:23:11] Speaker B: I don't know. Glamorous.
[00:23:11] Speaker C: And it was number one. Exactly. There's a reason I could tell you.
[00:23:14] Speaker B: Fergalicious. I don't know. Glamorous, though.
[00:23:17] Speaker C: And you could do the London Bridge song.
[00:23:19] Speaker B: Mm. Remember when we talked about. I was listening to very old nailed. We were talking about down in it, and we went through a bunch of songs that had nursery rhymes in it.
[00:23:29] Speaker C: Did you think of that one of Fergus? The London Bridges song?
[00:23:31] Speaker B: No, but we should have thought of that back then.
[00:23:33] Speaker C: Well, maybe. But also, I don't like Fergie, so I don't care. Like, I'm sorry. People are.
[00:23:39] Speaker B: You don't have to.
[00:23:40] Speaker C: Like. I'm gonna have that on my brain, though. Like, just immediately pull it up. No, not how my brain works.
[00:23:46] Speaker B: This is why you didn't get on Jeopardy.
[00:23:47] Speaker C: It's totally why I did not. Well, I didn't even try out, but would I have made it? Definitely not.
[00:23:53] Speaker B: Did you say what number one was?
[00:23:54] Speaker C: Yeah, it was Fergie. Glamorous. Oh, okay, okay, okay. So on US mainstream rock charts, it peaked at 14. And in Canada, it debuted at number one and stayed at number one for six weeks. Way to go, Canadians. You guys are survivalists, I guess.
[00:24:09] Speaker B: What? I wonder why so different in Canada?
[00:24:11] Speaker C: Like I said, they're survivalists. They were like, yeah, I get behind this. I don't. I'll have to ask.
[00:24:15] Speaker B: They have to be up there.
[00:24:16] Speaker C: I guess I'll ask Laura. She's my Canadian. Go to. Okay. Artwork Rob Sheridan, of course, is created with art direction and design.
My guess is this is a shot from the survivalism video and glitched up Sheridan style.
[00:24:30] Speaker B: It is.
And I kind of like. I kind of like it.
Just. Yeah. A screen grab from the video.
We see the backs of, like, SWAT teams, helmets as they're infiltrating via a CCTV camera feed. Very glitchy on glitchy, but it works. It gets the glitch.
[00:24:56] Speaker C: The glitchiness works for sure.
[00:24:57] Speaker B: And it is one of the first things we saw from year zero. And it gave a good. It gave the vibes of what we're.
[00:25:06] Speaker C: Vibes are immaculate for the album. Yes.
[00:25:08] Speaker B: It got us in the headspace that we were supposed to be in for this concept album. Paranoia and.
[00:25:19] Speaker C: Paranoia.
[00:25:20] Speaker B: Oppressive oppression.
[00:25:22] Speaker C: Oppression. Mass surveillance. Surveillance, state.
The militarization of police. That kind of thing.
[00:25:29] Speaker B: You thought of everything, and I couldn't think of any words, but that's all.
[00:25:33] Speaker C: It's all there in that image. It's right there.
[00:25:35] Speaker B: That's right. It says so much with so little, so I dig it.
[00:25:39] Speaker C: Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about survivalism, what survivalism is, and how would you react to the song without the context of the album? Right.
[00:25:49] Speaker B: Mm.
[00:25:49] Speaker C: Just the out. Let's pretend that the song is just out there. You know nothing about.
[00:25:54] Speaker B: Well, yeah, we knew a little, but we didn't have the album.
[00:25:56] Speaker C: Yeah. Pretend you know nothing about the album. Pretend you're just a dude in your car driving to work and you hear survivalism and you're not even like, a NIN fan. You're just a dude or whatever.
[00:26:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't think I ever heard it on radio, but I'm sure it did happen.
[00:26:10] Speaker C: It did because it was charting.
[00:26:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay.
[00:26:12] Speaker C: So it was definitely there.
[00:26:13] Speaker B: Good point.
[00:26:14] Speaker C: So I kind of want to talk about that and how people might have interpreted nothing about the album.
[00:26:21] Speaker B: I Knew there was this concept album coming. So I was like, okay, cool. We're getting little hints about what this world's gonna be like. But if I had no context, I'd be like, these lyrics are kind of weird. The sound is downright bizarre. If I wasn't like familiar with Nin.
[00:26:36] Speaker C: Yeah, so survivalism is a social movement.
We're gonna have a lot of history in here, guys.
[00:26:43] Speaker B: Merriam Webster's defines survivalism as.
[00:26:47] Speaker C: I'm gonna be a textualist here. So survivalism is a social movement of people or groups. You know, people usually call them like doomsday preppers or just preppers, whatever. And these are people who proactively prepare for emergencies such as like natural disasters or any kind of cataclysmic activity that can cause disruption to the social order.
[00:27:14] Speaker B: Me, when I buy extra canned goods at the supermarket, I'm totally prepping.
[00:27:21] Speaker C: So any of these disasters that are caused by political, economic, and I added environmental catastrophes. That was not in the definition and I don't know why, but I added it because I feel like that's important. Honestly, I'm more concerned about that.
[00:27:33] Speaker B: If you're not prepping for that, you're not prepping.
[00:27:36] Speaker C: So survivalism basically just emphasizes things like self reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills. So like basic, like medical skills, maybe some knowing how to use a weapon.
[00:27:52] Speaker B: That's a big one.
[00:27:53] Speaker C: Some kind of tactical skill, knowing how to can food, grow your own food, that kind of thing. Mormons were kind of preppers. I was raised in a survivalist kind of religion because they don't believe the government will protect you, which we know they don't.
[00:28:08] Speaker B: That is correct.
[00:28:09] Speaker C: Totally true. Actually, what I liked about Mormon's idea of prepping is that it was not individualist. I think whenever I think about like survivalists and preppers, I think of like people in like militia movements who live on the fringe of society and are just kind of keep to themselves. And it's very looking out for you and your own. But like Mormons, their prepping was obviously for the individual family. But we had stockpiles of food. Like I think the church itself had food that they would can and save. And as a kid I had a thing. I think it was called like a 48 hour kit or something. And my mom took. This is insane because it came to me. My mom took. I had a little Mermaid, like one of those locker book bags. You know what I'm talking about?
[00:28:58] Speaker B: They were made like a locker.
[00:28:59] Speaker C: Yes. They're like these Huge like rectangular bags.
[00:29:02] Speaker B: Yeah. Back in the days of make the most inconvenient heavy ass backpack you can possibly.
[00:29:08] Speaker C: It was a horrible backpack, but I loved it because it had the Little Mermaid on it. I was little. And the side unzipped and it looked like a locker. Right. So my mom had. And my aunt is. When we live with my aunt, she had packed it with like bottles of water and beef jerky. Just like basically foods that are shelf stable and individual proportion, you know. And we were kind of taught like if an emergency happened, we had to grab those bags. Like we had to be prepared.
[00:29:37] Speaker B: You're. You had a bug out bag.
[00:29:39] Speaker C: Totally. But what I think is interesting about survivalism is how it kind of rises and falls depending upon what's happening in the cultural temperature. Right. And it doesn't even have to be a political thing, although most of the time it is.
[00:29:56] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:29:57] Speaker C: It can even be a pop cultural thing. For example, think about like all the zombie stuff, right? Like in the aughts when people like we were just bombarded with like zombie stories constantly and people were the walking jokingly. Yeah. There was the, like the. The zombie survival guide and that kind of stuff that came out like a Max Brooks.
[00:30:18] Speaker B: Wasn't that Max World War Z, I think that guy. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:30:23] Speaker C: But I think that put survivalism like in the pop cultural sphere, like that kind of idea. But basically it kind of rises and falls based on the period. Right. So in the 60s and the 80s we had like this huge threat of nuclear war. The 90s, the Clinton threat, I guess that there was the ban on assault weapons, which I thought never should have ended, but whatever.
That caused people to freak out. Y2K in 1999 there were people who were prepping for that. In the 2000s we had 9, 11. And then the 2008 recession and then, then recently Covid.
[00:30:56] Speaker B: So that's when we were collecting cans. Then we found out they expire. Right.
[00:31:02] Speaker C: I thought soups lasted forever. We opened it last longer and it was gross. And I was like, why am I buying this?
[00:31:08] Speaker B: Nope, no more.
[00:31:09] Speaker C: I'm not prepping anymore. Look, we got two cases of water and that will help us get through anything.
[00:31:15] Speaker B: Do hoard water. You never know.
[00:31:18] Speaker C: Honestly, just hoard water. That's the most important thing.
[00:31:20] Speaker B: You never know when they're gonna dump some psychoactive chemicals in there.
[00:31:26] Speaker C: I don't want anything. I don't want to drink anything that's making the frogs gay.
[00:31:31] Speaker B: Stop.
Hey, watching too much Alex Jones.
[00:31:37] Speaker C: I bet he's a prepper anyway. That's what survivalism is.
I'm sure you all knew that, though. You're very smart.
[00:31:45] Speaker B: It's being able to do preparing to do whatever it takes to survive. That may include violence.
Yes, Mentioned in the song.
[00:32:00] Speaker C: That's all I'm going to say about it for now. Maybe we should just go ahead and play the song.
[00:32:04] Speaker B: Let's do it.
[00:32:20] Speaker D: I should have listened to her so hard to keep control we kept on eating but our bloated belly still not full she gave us all she had but we went and took some more can't seem to shut her legs Our mouth that nature is a whore I.
[00:32:50] Speaker B: Got my bubble I got the vision.
[00:33:08] Speaker C: I love the delivery of all a part of this great nation. It's like one of my favorite things.
[00:33:12] Speaker B: I love the sing songy harmony vocals. Yeah, on that part.
[00:33:19] Speaker C: I just like how sarcastic it sounds. It's just a dripping sarcasm.
[00:33:23] Speaker B: Wait till you hear the isolated tracks.
Another added layer of irony there.
And it's on the choruses, I don't think that first chorus. But it's on the other choruses where we hear some Saul Williams doing some wild whoops.
It's so yelly.
[00:33:58] Speaker C: I love a good yelly, but not like.
[00:34:02] Speaker B: Not like broken downward spiral screaming, but shouting. Almost rappy.
Saul Williams with it. Hey, hey, I'm not beat.
A little bit of synth on this song.
Shockingly guitar based. This whole thing I found while picking it apart.
Some, you know, some electronic drums, few electronic elements, a lot of noise thrown in there, but lots of guitar and bass filters to hell. Of course.
Gotta have sexy Trent whispering even when it's about the darkest shit.
Yeah. Another instrumental break.
[00:35:26] Speaker C: Yeah, this. This outro though, that people kind of argue about. So listen closely to this outro and what Trent is whispering. We're going to talk about it later.
[00:35:36] Speaker B: We have the really filtered robotic, almost Trent voice here.
[00:35:52] Speaker C: So in this outro I have found people asking or saying that. It says, you've got your pacifism, I got survivalism.
And if you listen, it does kind of sound like that.
However, those lyrics are not in the booklet. Cause I double checked your zero booklet.
But they are printed on genius as being real lyric like. I know, I'm just saying.
So I want you to prove to people that that's not.
[00:36:23] Speaker B: I will prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
[00:36:25] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:36:26] Speaker B: Also prove that you can't trust genius. Well, no one's as far as you can throw them.
Good song.
[00:36:33] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a fucking banger. Decent.
[00:36:34] Speaker B: It is a banger.
[00:36:35] Speaker C: It's A good little introduction, I think, too.
[00:36:39] Speaker B: It gets the people going.
[00:36:40] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah.
[00:36:42] Speaker B: It's so upbeat. But like bleak, of course. Especially the subject matter. But the beat is just. That beat's so quick. As I was saying, not since broken. It's almost like a double time beat. It's pretty cool.
[00:36:57] Speaker C: Do you have clips?
[00:36:59] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, let's go to Blake's clips corner, shall we?
[00:37:03] Speaker C: It's been a long time shouldn't have left you Without a doubt. Beat to step two, step two, step two, step 2, step 2.
[00:37:10] Speaker B: Can't wait to listen to. Wait, what's that?
[00:37:13] Speaker C: Oh, it's just from an Aaliyah song. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, Blake, you wouldn't understand.
[00:37:18] Speaker B: Well, let's strap in because I have 30 clips, I think.
[00:37:21] Speaker C: 30? Well, you yell at me.
[00:37:24] Speaker B: No, here's. No, no, no, no, no. I can't help it because for this album, we were given multi tracks for every single song. So this is unprecedented here. Unnailed.
I have access to everything I want. I don't have to try to track down 5.1 tracks or God forbid, AI isolated stems like on the fragile. We were given everything, given all the tools.
[00:37:55] Speaker C: So we're spoiled.
[00:37:57] Speaker B: I can do mashups however I want. I have too many options, basically. And I can play all the clips I want. So I'm trying to just. I'm going to try to give a little sampling of everything.
[00:38:07] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:38:09] Speaker B: The initial drums, but they don't stay that way. They get crunchier and they kind of go ham on the chorus.
Yeah, yeah. The digital effects, the plugin effects in Ableton on this album get wild. Hi, hats.
Verse, two drums.
I like those little percussive.
[00:39:00] Speaker C: Yeah, those are cool.
[00:39:01] Speaker B: A plinky, whatever that is going kind of right to left.
[00:39:06] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:39:07] Speaker B: This is labeled as noise and Nord percussion loop.
It's interesting to see what things were labeled when they dropped the multitracks.
Noise tends to be always spelled N O, I, Z.
And Nord percussion is a, if you could believe it, a percussion synth made by Nord.
Oh, that's what that is.
The plonky thing.
[00:39:35] Speaker C: I love it.
[00:39:43] Speaker B: Even more percussion in verse 2.
Just layers and layers of this type of thing as you can hear.
Classic Nin, if you ask me.
Okay. I really like this one.
Radio noise.
Yeah, that one's pretty cool, right?
[00:40:19] Speaker C: Yeah, that is really cool.
[00:40:25] Speaker B: So it sounds almost like flipping through the radio stations, but it's like gated to have a rhythm.
I wish I could tell you what all that is. We may never Know, Although I think this part makes it more clear.
This is like more radio noise.
[00:40:48] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:40:49] Speaker B: At layered in there, but without the gate.
Honestly, I think they might have just pulled some random stuff off the radio. Some of it sounds reversed, but that's laid over top of stuff that is not reversed. Some of it might even be in Spanish.
We could probably like. I could spend hours trying to pull it apart and be like, oh, there's secrets to the ARG in here. But I bet that would all be in vain.
[00:41:33] Speaker C: I mean, maybe you could find something. Who knows, but.
[00:41:37] Speaker B: Or it's already been found.
[00:41:38] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:41:39] Speaker B: On some obscure forum posts from 2007.
Drum loop in the final verse.
It's got that little high thing in it.
Okay, finally, guitars and bass.
[00:42:02] Speaker C: Sounds like an Arcade Fire song.
[00:42:04] Speaker B: Which one?
[00:42:06] Speaker C: Hold on, let me look it up. I can't remember the name. Hold on.
[00:42:08] Speaker B: I was gonna say we only need one note on this here bass.
I think maybe. I know what you mean. Wake up.
[00:42:20] Speaker C: Yeah. Is it on? That's on funeral, right?
[00:42:29] Speaker E: Yep.
[00:42:31] Speaker C: Trent Reznor ripped off Arcade Fire. He heard it here first.
[00:42:35] Speaker B: Trent's favorite band. Confirmed. Great. Adding some guitar to that bass now. You know what this reminds me of?
It's another NIN song.
Is it giving the hand?
[00:42:52] Speaker C: That feels a little bit the way that.
[00:42:55] Speaker B: That it kind of bends upward at the end in the same way.
Based on the chorus.
I like how it goes up.
[00:43:25] Speaker C: Right there.
[00:43:26] Speaker B: I don't think I ever knew that. Okay, more chorus action.
But there's more layers of that than you can shake a stick at in this song. The guitar all chopped up in the chorus.
I don't know. They probably did something wild in Ableton where it was gated and freaked.
Guitar in that outro.
This was labeled as a reactor guitar strum.
So I was always pretty sure that that was a synth thing. But I think it may be strumming a guitar but, like, sped up.
Maybe not even sped up, but FX beyond recognition.
Now this I know is one of the few synth things in the song because it's labeled as Oberheim.
Again, we only need one note in this here song. Some guitar drones that are labeled as Diesel. This I'll get into more at some point maybe, but a lot of stuff is labeled as Diesel, which in my research is a brand of guitar amp. However, this Diesel is spelled differently than that company. So you tell me, guitar guys, that type of thing. More Diesel.
That's at the very end where Trent is doing the robotic whisper stuff. Okay, speaking of that, I want to hear Some vocals. That's the last.
The last I have is vocals. Trent on verse one.
[00:46:00] Speaker D: I should have listened to her.
[00:46:04] Speaker B: So hard to hear that big inhale.
[00:46:07] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like Caroline Polachek, I. Yeah.
[00:46:09] Speaker B: I knew you were gonna. I knew you were gonna think of that. This is one of the best inhales, folks. And I should play so hot it's hurting my feelings later.
[00:46:17] Speaker C: That's the best inhale you've ever heard.
[00:46:19] Speaker B: Yeah, it made me think of that.
[00:46:26] Speaker D: Should have listened to her. So hard to keep control we kept on eating but our bloated belly's still not full she gave us all she had but we went and took some more can't breathe, can't seem to shut her legs I'm Mother nature is a.
[00:46:54] Speaker B: Whore Got distorted at the very end.
[00:46:57] Speaker C: If you were listening to that on the radio, you would not hear whore.
[00:47:00] Speaker B: No, you'd hear nothing.
[00:47:04] Speaker C: I think they said, mother Nature is a slut. Instead they said, bitch.
[00:47:09] Speaker B: What? That's worse.
Listening to it like that, it almost sounds like he's doing the syllables on the downbeat. And there's like a. There's a weird. Like, there's a debate that may be not in good faith on the Internet that the song's snare hits and the vocals could be on the downbeat rather than the upbeat, which is the correct interpretation, but you could hear it either way. But it could sound confusing. And I think in one of these remixes that is played with.
Okay, chorus.
[00:47:46] Speaker D: I got my pop up candle I got revisionism he mad I got my violence in high default to realism.
[00:48:00] Speaker B: I part of this great nation screaming.
[00:48:07] Speaker C: I.
[00:48:08] Speaker D: Got my fist I got my plan I got survivalism.
[00:48:13] Speaker B: Verse 2.
[00:48:14] Speaker D: Hypnotic sound of sirens echoing through the streets the cocking of the rifles, the marching of the feet. You see your world on fire don't try to act surprised we do in just what you told us Lost our faith along the way until nurses believe.
[00:48:43] Speaker B: In your lies that's intense. This song, I don't think a lot of NIN songs have a third verse, but this one does, I guess, because they just run through the first two so fast.
We got time for more do it.
[00:48:59] Speaker D: All bruised and broken, bleeding she asked to take my hand I turn, just keep on walking what you do the same thing in this circumstance I'm sure you'll understand I got my propaganda, I.
[00:49:16] Speaker B: Got revisionism all right, let's hear some Saul Williams.
[00:49:21] Speaker D: Got my propaganda I got revisionism so good I got my violence and hide that photograph.
[00:49:32] Speaker B: He's just kind of getting sloppy with.
[00:49:34] Speaker D: It all Are part of this great nation.
I got my fist. I got my plan. I got survival.
[00:49:46] Speaker C: I love it.
[00:49:47] Speaker B: I love the way he squeals going up at the end of the. The phrases. It adds something that Trent. Trent just doesn't.
[00:49:54] Speaker C: I love a little squeaky. Different flavor now and then, you know? Love a little squeaky voice. A little squeal.
[00:49:59] Speaker B: So it sounds like he does the. Hey, hey.
As far as. All a part of this great nation sounds like a blend of him and Trent. Hard to say they're both in there.
I believe this is background stuff, but I believe it's Reznor.
[00:50:14] Speaker D: Got my propaganda. I got revisionism, got my violence and had that false realism.
[00:50:26] Speaker B: He's kind of doing the Saul thing a little bit, too.
[00:50:29] Speaker D: All a part of this great nation.
[00:50:33] Speaker B: Okay, I got it started. We got to talk about the auto time.
[00:50:36] Speaker C: Do it again.
[00:50:41] Speaker B: Now. They did employ some vocal tuning software for effect.
[00:50:48] Speaker D: All a part of this great nation.
[00:50:55] Speaker B: So, yeah, you can't really tell what's going on in the finished song there or how heavily the tuning is applied.
I don't think it's. It's not like Trent can't sing. We gotta fix his vocals.
[00:51:08] Speaker C: No, no, no. It's definitely for effect.
[00:51:11] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. I made a loop out of this great nation.
[00:51:17] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:51:18] Speaker D: All a part of this great nation All a part of this great nation.
[00:51:26] Speaker C: I need to send me this loop.
[00:51:28] Speaker B: Yeah. I might have to make a remix out of just that. A song based around that part of this great nation.
[00:51:36] Speaker C: You could mash it up with that weird January 6th song.
[00:51:40] Speaker B: What the hell's that?
[00:51:43] Speaker C: The. The freak that Trump appointed to lead. Is it the FBI?
I can't remember. It's. It's some agency. But he recorded.
He's a big bootlicker. He recorded the people who arrested during January 6th singing, I think, the national anthem. And it's really creepy, and it actually was, like, number one briefly on the chart. What? I don't know. I feel like we just live in this fucking nightmare mirror world that Year Zero describes.
So I don't. It's gross.
[00:52:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
Yes. Our world resembles dystopian fiction, which is why it's bittersweet to even do this album right now, to be honest.
[00:52:31] Speaker C: Yep.
[00:52:32] Speaker B: But back to fun stuff. That part has added harmonies as well, which are fun.
[00:52:38] Speaker D: All a part of this great nation.
[00:52:42] Speaker C: All a part of this great nation that now. Okay, that sounds like it's something, because that sounds more positive and happy. It almost sounds like it could be like A, like a radio, like a right wing radio. Like, like little welcome back, a little.
[00:52:59] Speaker B: Taggy Sean Hannity, all a part of this great nation.
[00:53:05] Speaker C: See, it could be like a little, little. I don't know what you'd call that little interstitial radio thing.
[00:53:12] Speaker B: Yeah, no, you're not wrong.
And lastly, you know that lyric you. Some people thought they heard? Okay, what was the lyric?
[00:53:21] Speaker C: I just randomly found a Reddit thread. That's all people thought. Someone asked. Basically they said, he's saying, you've got your pacifism, I got survivalism. But why is this not printed anywhere? I hear it, I hear it.
[00:53:33] Speaker B: Yeah, look, we've heard a lot of things on this show. That doesn't mean it's real.
[00:53:39] Speaker C: No, that's what he was saying was like they heard it. And if you listen to it, I can see how you can hear it that way. So I want you to do is to.
[00:53:46] Speaker B: I think it comes from layering and there's this. All these weird effects and a severe delay as you'll hear that could cause it to sound something like that.
[00:53:57] Speaker C: But, but he's just saying I got survivalism. Right. Just over and over again.
[00:54:01] Speaker B: So listen.
Yeah, but because there's that delay on it, the syllables are. The consonants are like overlaying each other.
[00:54:16] Speaker C: Yeah. So I can totally hear how someone would hear that.
[00:54:19] Speaker B: But look, what I trust is ninwiki.com not genius, who've done me dirty too many times. I haven't even dug into like year zero Genius. I'm not going to look at Community interpretations because those are usually. Yikes.
[00:54:41] Speaker C: I didn't think they were that bad for this one.
[00:54:42] Speaker B: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm sure they got the message loud and clear.
So anyway, that's all I got for you. Clips wise. Very fun to pick these songs apart, I must say.
[00:54:54] Speaker C: Yeah, there's a lot going on.
[00:54:56] Speaker B: And so gracious. They gave us all that.
[00:54:58] Speaker C: Yeah, I vote. Look, we're gonna revisit survivalism in a few songs, so I vote we save lyrical interpretation and discussion.
[00:55:06] Speaker B: Then we can do that.
[00:55:07] Speaker C: If that's okay with everyone else. If it's not okay, I'm sorry, you're just gonna have to wait a few episodes so you can get our takes on what this song is saying.
[00:55:17] Speaker B: I don't think there's all that much deeper than what is said in the lyrics on the surface level, but. Well, we'll get into it. Are we doing another survivalism episode? I can never. Okay, yes. I didn't know where we Landed on that.
[00:55:32] Speaker C: So we are. Because it also has ARG elements. I'm not gonna discuss here. Like, people took the song and found things. It probably makes more sense to put it in here since they probably found it before the album came out. But I don't want to. This episode is going to be like, really long, so I got to save something for the song. Okay, so we're going to save that for the third episode.
Are you wanting to take a break and come back and talk about some remixes?
[00:56:02] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, let's do that.
[00:56:03] Speaker C: Let's do it.
Blake is getting ready, pulling up the remix.
[00:56:18] Speaker B: We're gonna talk about remixes for you.
[00:56:20] Speaker C: The first remix we're talking about is Survivalism Tardustin.
This is done by Sol Williams. And I don't know if it's Thavious or Thavious. I'm gonna say Thavious because I like the way that sounds better. Saul Williams and Thavius Beck, who is a producer and rapper and a collaborator with Williams at. This one is also available on Yearziwo Remixed.
[00:56:43] Speaker B: Here we go.
So we're just hearing the Saul Williams vocals alone in a very different feet underneath half time instead of double time. Creepy organs.
[00:57:21] Speaker C: I can claps.
[00:57:22] Speaker B: Yeah, I like those two.
[00:57:25] Speaker C: I like anything that has hand claps pretty much.
[00:57:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:36] Speaker C: What's funny about this one is it starts out like with the. The Saul Williams vocals.
[00:57:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:42] Speaker C: But on the choruses, it just feels like it's mostly resident.
[00:57:48] Speaker B: Yeah. I do hear some of the. Hey, hey. Though they are just burning.
You still have like that Oberheim synth sequence and some of the guitars from the original.
Even more claps.
So what genre is this? Chill. Chill wave.
[00:58:29] Speaker C: Chill wave.
[00:58:30] Speaker B: This is a much more chill way to listen to survival.
[00:58:32] Speaker C: Chill wave. A thing at this point in 2007.
[00:58:35] Speaker B: It was like just starting out. I don't know. I'd never heard of it, but.
So here we go.
[00:58:51] Speaker C: This is cool.
[00:58:58] Speaker B: Reminds me of like some TV on the radio.
[00:59:02] Speaker C: Really nice.
[00:59:03] Speaker B: The falsetto.
I dig that. Could have used more of that in the.
The album versus, like those break beats sounding drum loops too.
[00:59:39] Speaker C: Have my.
[00:59:46] Speaker B: This one's a little lengthier. Comes in at 420, I think, interestingly.
[00:59:56] Speaker C: Oh, this is definitely longer.
[00:59:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Whereas how long? Survivalism.
[01:00:10] Speaker C: Actually, no, I wrote that survivalism is 4 minutes and 23 seconds long. It doesn't feel that long.
[01:00:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. So yeah, it feels longer. Probably because of the halftime beat. Yeah, but Regular survivalism is 3 seconds longer.
Clocking in at 4. 23, 423 and tar dust. It is 420.
[01:00:34] Speaker C: Hell yeah.
[01:00:35] Speaker B: Appropriately enough, hell yeah. Okay, what else do we have?
[01:00:38] Speaker C: So the next one is Survivalism Opal Heart Clinic. This one is also, I think, by Saul and Thavius. Let's talk about Opal for a second. Because when I think of Opal in the world of Nine Inch Nails, the first thing I think of is one of my favorite remixes.
[01:00:56] Speaker B: That's right. The best version of Head Like a.
[01:00:59] Speaker C: Hole had like a whole Opal.
[01:01:01] Speaker B: That's right. If you YouTube Survivalism Opal Heart Clinic, you get some very different stuff that's not at all related, I think about open heart surgery.
Even though I clearly said Opal not open. It's supposed to be a play on words.
[01:01:19] Speaker C: Before we go though, do you want to talk about Opal and the world of Year Zero? Just a little bit. Just a teaser, a little bit of argument.
[01:01:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:01:27] Speaker C: Lore here. So Opal is a drug that's considered to be the new crack. It doesn't necessarily have the same effects of crack, but it's, I guess it's just like very addictive. Allegedly it was created by the same pharmaceutical company that manufactures Parapin, which we'll talk about later. And some people say that use of Opal induces visions of the presence. We'll talk about that later too.
[01:01:54] Speaker B: May or may not be confirmed.
[01:01:55] Speaker C: Yes. In the world of Ear Zero as replaced cocaine as a fun drug as climate change has caused issues with cocoa leaves, causing economic issues in South America.
[01:02:07] Speaker B: And definitely named after the best Head. Like a whole remix.
[01:02:11] Speaker C: Definitely.
But we're not going to dive.
[01:02:14] Speaker B: We don't have to get into.
[01:02:15] Speaker C: Deeply into it. But I just want to talk about what Opal.
[01:02:18] Speaker B: It's an in world reference. So, you know, I think this is the one that's mostly the same instrumental but different vocal.
[01:02:28] Speaker C: There's a new vocal track by Williams.
[01:02:31] Speaker B: Basically, and new lyrics.
[01:02:52] Speaker D: Wanted to pop Somebody wanted to buck em down Wanted to pull the trigger Just to hear the fucking sound I got my propaganda I get my cable free I hang it from my neck and go to work from tree to tree it's gotta be the poison it put it in my food it takes me by the brain and walks me to my every mood I try to change a channel A channel was changing me I take the cup and prop it up before I start to pee.
[01:03:24] Speaker C: Sounds a pee in a cup Never.
[01:03:27] Speaker B: Thought we'd get a piss Piss cup sound and a N remix but maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
I think I like this one more, by the way.
[01:03:53] Speaker C: I do too.
[01:03:53] Speaker B: Just because of the new lyrics and new perspective it's giving me more.
[01:04:09] Speaker D: I stumble from the toilet I'm sprawled across the floor I feel my head expand beyond the room, beyond the door I'm in an oval office in an electric chair I sign my name beneath the claim that I don't really care I got survivalism I got my claim to fame I got the right to say I'm fighting in the Jesus name I seem to flood too fast but But I won't act surprised Lost my faith along the way and found myself believing your lies.
[01:04:43] Speaker B: I just. I. I think that might be my favorite of the bunch on this, and I like that. It. It's another artist giving us more point of view of this world that we're diving into.
[01:04:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I honestly think it's probably my favorite of the remixes too.
[01:05:03] Speaker B: Yeah, it is.
[01:05:04] Speaker C: It just stands out the most.
[01:05:07] Speaker B: Yeah, it's almost like you're hearing a different character within the world, Possibly someone under the effects of one of these fictional drugs named in the title.
When you go to the Nin Wiki, I was looking up lyrics, and when you scroll down, it first gives. Before it gives the survivalism lyrics. It gives the lyrics to this remix.
[01:05:28] Speaker C: It does.
[01:05:28] Speaker B: And I was looking. I was looking up survivalism lyrics, and I was like, I stumble from the toilet. Wait, that's not how the song starts. Wait, what does it start with that.
Anyway, I didn't.
[01:05:40] Speaker C: I'm sorry. You got confused.
[01:05:41] Speaker B: I was thrown off for a second.
[01:05:43] Speaker C: It's a little. Yeah.
[01:05:45] Speaker B: Okay. Our final remix.
[01:05:46] Speaker C: Final remix is survivalism. Deadmau5 remix. This is probably the first thing by Deadmau5 listened to.
[01:05:53] Speaker B: Oh, wow. I've heard very little by the deadmau5. I actually do like this, though. I don't know about. Love it.
[01:06:00] Speaker C: Yeah, it's fine.
[01:06:01] Speaker B: But it is decent.
[01:06:02] Speaker C: It's fine. So this was actually originally released on his SoundCloud in 2012. My man, you are five years late to this remix.
[01:06:12] Speaker B: That is so late.
[01:06:15] Speaker C: What the heck? Anyway, and then later, it saw an official release on his album. While 1 is less than 2. I don't know what his album titles mean.
[01:06:27] Speaker B: Yeah, let's just move past that.
[01:06:29] Speaker C: We'll just say while in 2014.
So why survivalism and why five years after the release? Nobody knows. But from Deadmau5's own Twitter, whenever he posted the link to this remix on his SoundCloud, he said felt like doing it feels Goodman.
[01:06:52] Speaker B: Jpg oh my God. And was this in 2012?
[01:06:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it was in 2012.
[01:06:57] Speaker B: Oh, wow. Feels good, man. Use of that cartoon frog before it became fascist.
[01:07:03] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:07:03] Speaker B: Interesting.
[01:07:04] Speaker C: Pre fascism, Pepe. Pre fascism.
[01:07:06] Speaker B: He was all over the Internet for you old heads out there.
[01:07:10] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:07:10] Speaker B: So maybe it was submitted for the single release on the Halo and not. And rejected.
[01:07:17] Speaker C: I have no idea.
[01:07:18] Speaker B: I think that could be it.
[01:07:20] Speaker C: I don't think that's it.
Was Deadmau5 a big enough thing in 2007?
[01:07:25] Speaker B: It was rejected.
[01:07:26] Speaker C: Was it?
[01:07:27] Speaker B: Actually, no. In my. In my theory. In my theory.
[01:07:31] Speaker C: Okay.
[01:07:32] Speaker B: It was not selected to be on there.
So maybe Trent was like. Does not pass muster. He made it first. He made it for some reason and didn't put it out.
[01:07:43] Speaker C: I think he made it because he felt like doing it. Feelsgoodman.jpg you're right.
[01:07:48] Speaker B: We already have the answer. Feels Goodman.
Do you think John Goodman has a brother named Feels named Phil Goodman?
Hello, my name is Phil S. Goodman.
[01:08:15] Speaker D: I should have listened to her.
[01:08:18] Speaker B: Okay, this puts those syllables on the downbeats, which I told you was wrong, but I think it works for this, for the course. I think it goes back to the regular way for this beat and that dirty, almost sinister bass. I think it works nice.
I think that bass is kind of imitating a Trent style bass line.
And these drums.
[01:08:57] Speaker C: I love the drums, actually.
[01:08:59] Speaker B: These drums. Wannabe Erasers. So bad, I think. I think deadmau5 is definitely doing an homage to Trent here. And that's more power to him. It's pretty cool.
[01:09:18] Speaker C: Also, I looked it up in Deadmau5's first album, come out in 2006.
[01:09:25] Speaker B: I like this better than Hard Dusted, but maybe not better than Opal, which Tar Dusted and Opal are almost the same thing, but big distinction with the new lyrics. Yes, this is. I gotta say, this is pretty cool.
In love, but, you know, this could have been on the Halo. The Halo needed more. Like, there wasn't much on there.
[01:09:56] Speaker C: I. I think he just made it in 2012 because he wanted to. Maybe he just found. Maybe at the time, he went out and downloaded all the GarageBand files. And then 2012, he was cleaning up, he found them, and he was like, what the. Why not? Yeah, drop it.
[01:10:09] Speaker B: Or he made it back then and forgot that he made it. I have a lot of stuff like that.
Yeah, not much on the Halo, although there was on the one version, as you said, a greater good instrumental.
That song almost is instrumental.
Not really, but a little bit of spoken word poetry on it.
So this Halo had no physical release in America?
[01:10:50] Speaker C: No. Everything I see is UK eu. Yeah.
[01:10:55] Speaker B: The land of the single. They just. Singles don't sell in America anymore, I guess.
[01:10:59] Speaker C: I mean, they hadn't been for a long time. As someone who worked at a music.
[01:11:04] Speaker B: Department because singles were no longer in stores.
[01:11:06] Speaker C: Well, that hadn't been the case for a very long time. In 2007.
[01:11:10] Speaker B: This would be cool to own on cassette, I'm not gonna lie.
[01:11:13] Speaker C: Never made that way. Sorry.
[01:11:15] Speaker B: But. So we've gone over everything, except there was the greater good, minus the vocals.
[01:11:22] Speaker C: Yeah, it said instrumental.
There is also the only other thing we're getting if we're talking about the world of survivalism. There was a remix by Dave Siddick of TV on the Radio, but that was on the Capital G single, so I thought that we would save it to talk about when we talk about.
[01:11:38] Speaker B: Capital G. Right, we will.
[01:11:40] Speaker C: Yes.
So that's basically it. That's Halo 23. And one of those things wasn't even officially on the Halo or anything. The Deadmau5 remix. I was just. Nice threw it in.
[01:11:53] Speaker B: Maybe it should have been. Although he hadn't released it yet, so maybe they could have used some kind of time travel apparatus to send it back in time.
[01:12:02] Speaker C: Look, maybe the holdup on the release of the definitive edition vinyl is Getting Joel Zimmerman, aka deadmau5 Sign up on their heights because they want to put.
They want to put it on the album, right? Yeah. He's like, I don't like my version anymore. I just want yours, sir.
That's not what happened at all.
[01:12:24] Speaker B: But I'll play Greater Good instrumental as an outro for this episode.
[01:12:31] Speaker C: So a little tease next time. Our next main feed episode will be on Hyper Power track one from Year zero. And we'll also do a little introduction to Year Zero. So that'll be interesting.
[01:12:45] Speaker B: Yep. That'll all be rolled up into one. Don't have lyrics to talk about on that one.
[01:12:48] Speaker C: No. So we got how to fill time. Yeah. Okay. And our first bonus up for our patrons will be just on ARGs in general. We've already recorded that one. It's kind of a banger.
[01:13:01] Speaker B: Do you ever wanted to know what an alternate reality game is? This tells you more than you ever needed to know.
[01:13:08] Speaker C: Sorry, did I listen to a whole four hour podcast?
Yeah, about the first arg. I did twice now.
[01:13:16] Speaker B: It's a really good series. You can get that patreon.com nailedpod and all of our other nailed even deeper episodes and more.
Well, thank you everybody for your patience and for still being listeners and fans and friends. Even when we don't put stuff out, you're still cool about it. And that's appreciated because we're not. We don't like. We don't pump out content like Reznor and Ross. Pump out movie scores. We don't do five a month.
[01:13:54] Speaker C: God, I wish we could.
[01:13:56] Speaker B: Yeah, I wish we could too. If someone paid us the big bucks full time, hell yeah, we would. But we already went over that.
[01:14:03] Speaker C: Yeah.
Thanks to Tyler for our art.
[01:14:06] Speaker B: Yeah, cool. New Year zero art we've been rolling out.
Thanks to those playing the argument. Know who you are.
[01:14:17] Speaker C: How's our ARG end?
[01:14:20] Speaker B: I don't know. The. The podcast comes out.
[01:14:24] Speaker C: You didn't plan out this ARG very well.
[01:14:26] Speaker B: No, I spent a lot of time planning it. Just didn't end up being very good.
[01:14:31] Speaker C: That's because you didn't have 42 entertainment to. No, you didn't pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't know how much it cost to do this.
[01:14:38] Speaker B: No, I didn't have 42 entertainment. I just had four entertainment. We have 42 entertainment at home.
I had 21. 21 entertainment.
[01:14:51] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, they're not good.
[01:14:53] Speaker B: We could still do a mini meetup.
[01:14:56] Speaker C: Still do a what?
[01:14:57] Speaker B: A mini meetup where the ARC winners get to get to meet up and I give them a little speech.
[01:15:04] Speaker C: Okay, you can do that. I'll stay at home.
[01:15:07] Speaker B: I put on an army jacket and scream at them. Okay, we'll work on it.
[01:15:14] Speaker C: I'll stay at home. You can have fun with them.
[01:15:16] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:15:16] Speaker C: They can meet you.
[01:15:17] Speaker B: People will be real disappointed.
[01:15:20] Speaker C: That's all I got. I really want to go so I can finish building my dresser.
[01:15:24] Speaker B: Yeah, more than 90 minutes on survivalism. You're welcome.
[01:15:28] Speaker C: Don't worry, that's plenty. We'll come back to any loose survival.
[01:15:33] Speaker B: And you haven't heard the last of it.
[01:15:34] Speaker C: Yeah, don't worry. There's a lot more.
[01:15:37] Speaker B: So some more on the twisted world of year zero next time.
And more on the bureau of podcasts and how they're keeping us down.
[01:15:50] Speaker C: Man, they're really keeping us down. Do you believe censor censorship? I cannot believe censorship. Can't believe only I opened up my app today and all I saw was Joe Rogan and Talk to us. God, and I cried.
[01:16:06] Speaker B: All I saw was Marc Maron.
[01:16:08] Speaker C: Oh, well, at least you got Marc Maron.
[01:16:09] Speaker B: Yeah, he's all right. He's alright.
[01:16:11] Speaker C: Alright. When the revolution comes, we'll spare Marc Maron.
[01:16:15] Speaker B: I should come up with a more year 0 centric outro. As you might have noticed. I changed the intro. But until I think of what that will be.
Didn't that make you feel better?
[01:16:30] Speaker C: Bye.